Friday, October 17, 2008

Having fun with a video camera

This past Sunday was a response-project week. The small groups were each given the task of writing and producing a newscast, or some other form of video that covered what they've learned about how to study the Bible. We got a variety of videos! Posted below is what we'll be showing the kids over the next three weeks. Only two groups had sound quality enough to understand what they were saying, as well as stayed on target. The third video is a collection of clips from all the groups.

The point that was taught by each group was to use the SPECS method when studying the Bible. This is when you look at a passage and find...
S-Sin to Avoid
P-Promise to Claim
E-Example to Follow
C-Command to Obey
S-Stubling Block to Avoid


1 comment:

Empty Nesters said...

Pictures...and videos are worth a thousand written words! Looks great!