Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crunching the Numbers

I just finished analyzing the attendance of our fourth and fifth graders--comparing this year's numbers to last year. Looking at the attendance of this group of fourth and fifth graders as third and fourth graders, we found that last year in September we averaged 42 kids a week in these two classes. This year in September we saw an average of 56 kids a week. In October of last year we averaged 41 kids per week, and this year in October we averaged 57 kids per week. That's an increase of 25% in September and 28% in October!!! As a whole, our entire Children's Ministries saw a 9% increase in September from '07 to '08 and a .8% decrease in October from '07 to '08.
So all in all, I'd say that we've seen some growth because of Bridge 45!

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